Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Katie Stogner - February 15, 2012

Today was strength training day and I was actually still pretty sore from Monday's workout. This was a new workout and while I have done others that are much more difficult, I seriously struggled with the one today. One exercise, in particular, was the most challenging. I am pretty sure it was called pop squats. Basically, you straddle a step in squat position and jump up onto the step from the squat position. Doesn't sound too difficult, does it? Oh my goodness! It took me FOREVER to even get the courage to get started. I have no idea why this is so difficult for me. I mean I jumped OUT of an airplane, why can't I jump ON a step that is just a few inches from the ground?? I cannot explain it! I think Coach Lewis must think I am nuts because I made such a big deal out of it but it was really that hard for me to do. It is not that it was physically hard (it certainly wasn't easy) but it was very hard for me mentally. In the end, I somehow managed to overcome my fear and do both sets, but not without a ton of whining/procrastinating. I am anxious to see how I handle this workout the next time.

On another note, I have been really nauseous since around 3:00 this afternoon. I sure hope I am not getting sick. I don't have time to be sick!!

To follow Jeff and Katie's progress including workout videos visit

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